- Ga
- Gabrys J
- Gadamer H.G
- Gae
- Gai
- Gaius
- Gajl
- Gal
- Galenus
- Gall
- Galli
- Galsworthy John
- Gamm
- Gandhi M
- Ganshina M
- Gao
- Garcia
- Gardner
- Gary
- Garn
- Garri
- Gasc
- Gask
- Gat
- Gau
- Gaum
- Gautier
- Gav
- Gavenas
- Gdansk
- Gecys
- Gee
- Geh
- Geih
- Geit
- Gem
- Gener
- Genet
- Geniuszas J
- Geod
- Geol
- Georg
- Gerald
- Gerber
- Gerich
- Gerlach
- German
- Germann
- Gerson
- Gerullis G
- Ges
- Geschichte
- Gese
- Gest
- Gia
- Gide
- Giedroyc
- Gier
- Gies
- Giff
- Gilb
- Gill
- Gimb
- Gimbutiene Marija
- Gin
- Gioj
- Gira Liudas
- Girenas
- Gita
- Gla
- Glae
- Glass
- Glea
- Gli
- Glinka
- Glob
- Glos
- Gloth
- Glue
- Gmel
- Go
- Godlewski E
- Godoy
- Goed
- Goer
- Goethe J.W
- Goett
- Goetz
- Goga
- Gohr
- Gola
- Golding
- Goldoni C
- Goldw
- Goll
- Gom
- Gonc
- Good
- Gorb
- Gord
- Gore
- Gorki M
- Gorni
- Gorsk
- Gorst
- Gospel
- Gothe
- Gou
- Gov
- Gra
- Grabo
- Grabowski T.S
- Grabs
- Grad
- Graf
- Grai
- Gramatica
- Gran
- Granges
- Gras
- Grau
- Grauzinis C
- Great
- Greek
- Greene
- Gref
- Greimas A.J
- Gres
- Gri
- Griev
- Grigaitis
- Grill
- Grim Hans
- Grimm Jakob
- Grin
- Gris
- Grod
- Groe
- Groh
- Gromota
- Gros
- Grosse
- Grossen
- Grosz
- Grot
- Grou
- Grubb
- Grue
- Grund
- Grundriss
- Gruner
- Grza
- Grzimek B
- Gu
- Gue
- Guep
- Guhl
- Guide
- Guideb
- Guig
- Guin
- Guis
- Gul
- Gum
- Gun
- Gur
- Gus
- Gutenberg
- Gutk
- Gutt
- Guz
Publications in foreign languages arranged alphabetically according to the authors’ surnames or titles – G
Specific search can be done in the field of Filter by writing the name of the author, e. g. Bagdonas, or by searching for it in the alphabetical list.