- U
- Ubez
- Uckeley
- Udziela
- Ueber
- Uffreduzzi
- Uhse
- Ulam
- Ule
- Ulmanis
- Umbras
- Umowa
- UN.Commission
- UN.Conference
- UN.Congress
- UN.Economic
- UN.General Assembly
- UN.Industrial
- UN.Intergovernmental
- UN.Security
- Unamuno
- Underwood
- Undset S
- UNESCO.General
- UNESCO.International
- UNESCO.Programme
- Unia
- Union
- United Nations(UN)
- United States
- Universa
- Universita
- Universita Karlova
- Universitas
- University
- Univerzitet
- Uniwersytet im.A.Mickiewicza
- Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
- Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Uniwersytet Wilenski
- Untermann
- Updike J
- Upits A
- Ur
- Urban
- Urbanska
- Uris
- Ursu
- Use
- Ustawa
- Ustawa Litewska
- Ustawa o
- Ustawa Towarzystwa
- Ustawy
- Ustawy Wilenskiego
- Ut
- Uwagi
Publications in foreign languages arranged alphabetically according to the authors’ surnames or titles – U
Specific search can be done in the field of Filter by writing the name of the author, e. g. Bagdonas, or by searching for it in the alphabetical list.