- Each
- East
- Eban
- Ebers
- Ebner
- Eca
- Eckert
- Eco Umberto
- Econo
- Edbe
- Eden
- Edom
- Education
- Edward
- Eekman
- Efce
- Egal
- Egid
- Ehalt
- Ehret Joseph
- Ei
- Eid
- Eige
- Eik
- Ein
- Einstein A
- Eip
- Eis
- Ek
- El
- Elec
- Elem
- Eliot G
- Eliot T
- Elle
- Elsa
- Em
- Emer
- Encyclopedia
- Enciclopedia
- Encyclopedie
- Encyklopedia
- End
- Endzelins Janis
- Ener
- Engels Fr
- Engert
- Englisch
- English
- English poetry
- English theater
- Enri
- Entr
- Envi
- Enzyklopaedie
- Enzinas
- Epos
- Eram
- Erdm
- Erga
- Erke
- Ermi
- Erot
- Esar
- Espa
- Ess
- Esta
- Estonia
- Estreicher K
- Et
- Etyka
- Etude
- Euclides
- Euripides
- Europa
- Eusebius
- Eva
- Evans
- Evening
- Ewang
- Ex
- Exer
- Exib
- Exlib
- Exper
- Expo
Publications in foreign languages arranged alphabetically according to the authors’ surnames or titles – E
Specific search can be done in the field of Filter by writing the name of the author, e. g. Bagdonas, or by searching for it in the alphabetical list.